It's been a while since I blogged and dove into some of my passions. Life got really hard and challenging for everyone and the world for that matter. Pandemics, wars and rumors of wars, matters of the heart, death, life, etc. God, thank you for keeping us. And thank you for staying connected to this page. I appreciate you!
As I reviewed a few of my posts, I feel inspired to write again. Writing allows me to see time, season changes, healing and growth. I am grateful for it all, especially for the matters of the heart because they propel me to keep moving. This is the sole purpose the blog was created, to encourage. Keep pressing and stay encouraged Fam.
Hello PEACE, I thank you for returning. Okay God, I am ready...
You have to go through some things in order to value other things._________
Talk less. Pray more. #goals
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.
James 3:13-14
When the water moves, healing happens. Do not be stagnant, you must move... -TD Jakes
- Take that leap of faith
- Read a book
- Meet new people
- Travel a different route
- Fulfill a passion
Get out of your comfort zone, do something different.
Sometimes we have to reroute. Be wise and know when you need to make a turn. No worries, you will still get there. #purpose
A simple reminder Viv-El followers, BE PRESENT!
Be anxious for nothing. Phil 4:6
- Do not worry about what might happen because it has not happened
- Be thankful for what you do have rather than focusing on what you do not have
- We must balance ourselves between burdens and blessings
- Deal with your issues, but do not allow them to consume your being
- Just because you have trouble in one area, does not mean that trouble is in every area
… TD Jakes
Do not give up your God given peace family!
If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?... -A. Harvey
Be slow to speak Viv-El followers for some words you can never take back.
For your spirit....
Express what you know in a loving way. Share what you know from a place of love. Love harmonizes all things, and all people... - I. VanZant
Integrity is what you do when no one is looking... - T. Perry
Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase... - Dr. MLK
Vulnerability is not weakness, vulnerability is our own most accurate measurement of courage... - B. Brown, Social Scientist
No matter who, no matter what, know you are worthy Viv-El followers.
Quotes to live by....
Don't count the days, make the days count... - M. Ali
Happiness is an inside job... - W.A. Ward
Teach me how to not change because the people I love changed... - T.D. Jakes
Viv-El followers buckle your seat belt and put on all of your armor for a new season is headed your way.
I am not asking you to trust me. I charge you to trust yourself. To trust your spirit that has been talking to you. That spirit that you are truly beginning to listen too. It is time to stop ignoring that spirit. It is time to unselfishly put yourself first. It is time to make those moves. Be encouraged today.
So the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. Matthew 20:16
And no one puts new wine in old wine skins. Matthew 9:17
Words create, words construct and words collide. Words are not weapons, they are seeds... - J. Gray
At times silence is required. The key is knowing when and how to use silence constructively. Choose your words and silence carefully.
We all have a story. Some of us were born into a story that required change midway, some have had things written/mapped out from the beginning of time and others have allowed individuals to dictate their story. Whatever story you are living, please remember at the end of each pencil in which we write our unique stories, there is an eraser. This eraser has so much power! It actually gives us the opportunity to erase and rewrite our story at any given time. This very pencil provides us the freedom to add new chapters, to include a glossary for understanding and most importantly this pencil gives us the profound liberty to write the end of our story. In all that you do, in all that you are - never stop writing!
It is time for me to begin writing new chapters .....
Are your wounds in your way? Be reminded ‘He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds.’ Psalm 147.3
It is a good time to let some things, thoughts and old patterns go. Take this time to determine what to leave in 2016 and let’s take this New Year by storm. 2017 we welcome YOU!
This morning I have such an amazing feeling of gratitude! My 50th date of birth
is a few days away and this important change in time has awakened something in
me. Something good, alive, welcoming, moreover the main feeling is one of extreme expectation. As I thank God for what is to come, I quietly
speak to my mind, body and spirit preparing it to receive whatever is coming. Asking
myself - How do I prepare? What will it
all entail? What additional shifts are coming?
Amazingly enough in the past these questions might have filled me with
a little fear and trepidation. But today, these
very questions fill me with excitement and I say ‘God it is me and You, let’s
do it!” Happy Birthday Mr. Boyd, the time is now. TYL __________
For your spirit ….
When they go low, we go high… - M. Obama
Don’t give hatred room to breathe; love comes to set us free… - A. Sunshine
The only thing constant in the world is change… - I. Arie
The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within: strength, courage, dignity… - R. Dee
I became somebody through loving myself… - Me
Thank you for stopping by Viv-El followers. I appreciate you. Come back soon.
It has been a world-wind since my last post Viv-El followers! So much so that I have been pressing to stay encouraged. First and foremost, our job is to encourage ourselves. No matter who or what, please join me in gravitating back to encouraging your spirit. Start softly talking and listening to that small still inner voice that is your spirit. It is here to guide, direct and protect us. It is easy to get away from ourselves, our core. It is no longer acceptable to keep your spirit on the shelf. It is no longer acceptable to put your spirit in your pocket or allow it to hang in your closet. It is time to embrace our spirits whole heartedly.
When we find ourselves in a holding pattern and lose our way it serves as a reminder to go back to the basics. To the fundamentals that got us to this point in our lives. My spirit matters! Your spirit matters! Get back to listening to your spirit like you used to, stop looking around like a spectator and definitely stop listening to people. In return your spirit will take care of you. Trust yourself…. TYL
For your spirit....
Surround yourself with people who have your rhythm... -T.D. Jakes
Intellect can explain it. But instincts can find it. Follow your instincts... -T.D. Jakes
People can be subject to disappoint you. Just stop disappointing yourself. Make good decisions and choices.
Be grateful for the shedding and shifting for there is a plan.
Moreover Viv-El followers, whatever life is going to bring today you can handle it. You are never given more than you can bare. So hold on. TYL
This is my birthday month and I have been celebrating each day:). I recall 49 years of age appearing very old when I was a young girl. The grown woman I am today identifies with the fact that this number is a blessing to reach. I thank God for this new year of life for myself and my husband who is also a Scorpio. Thanking God for showing, teaching and loving my husband and I like never before. Happy birthday fellow Scorpions!
Quotes to live by....
Do not let issues derail you, stay on course... -J. Meyers
You cannot overcome without first passing the test... - Bishop Calhoun
Minor adjustments can make major improvements... -J. Olsten
Every choice in life that we make is going to either enhance our power or take away from our power... -C. Myss
Truth trumps facts... -Anonymous
We'd learn so much more about ourselves if we took the time to observe and reflect on our own actions instead of another's - SOJ (check out the free SOJ 'Sprinkle of Jesus' app). Its enlightening!
Hello Viv-El followers, how have you been???? I am good. I have been doing a lot of house cleaning, literally cleaning my inner spiritual house. This journey is continual and I have a way to go but I am not ashamed to share how hard the task has been thus far. I had to face fears that have forced me to step out of comfort zones. I had to dismantle old thoughts that no longer had power. I have learned how to control certain feelings as opposed to allowing them to control me. Basically, I am putting my spiritual house in order. Trust me, this has not been a negative process, it is extremely positive. As a result I trust my spirit even more, I am loving the new space I am in, moreover I am no longer able to box matters of my heart up, I express them, move forward and let things go. I feel sexy from the inside out, I am happier and I'm worth it! TYL
Challenge yourself, check the order of your inner spiritual house and do your work if needed. Be true to you:)
Quotes to live by....
You will never find yourself until you face the truth... -Pearl Bailey
Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you... -Anonymous
There is a time in your life when you find who you are, that's a golden time of day...-Maze featuring Frankie Beverly
It's not what people call you, it's what you answer to... - Madea
I want to thank my precious mother, Mrs. Vivian for teaching and showing me unconditional love by virtue of how she lived her life, how she demonstrated love to others and the ways she proved that less was always more.
For all the extended mother's in my life today, thank you for your wisdom, grace, love and many seeds..
Do something special for the mother's in your life, not just on Mother's Day, but every day!
Scripture for your spirit....
Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12
Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you, I will never abandon you." Hebrews 13:5
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. Philippians 4:11
Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Proverbs 4:26
Humility - The quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc. - Webster's Dictionary
Family, be content right where you are, as you continue to strive for excellence in every area of your life..
(Please know your feedback/comments are welcome, scroll down to the end to post or email
Hello Viv-El followers I am grateful you stopped by and did not give up on this site because it has been a long time since we chatted. Confession time - it has been a rough season Family! But today is a new day and here we are....
I hope this entry finds you well and in good spirit. As for me, I have learned a great deal and so many things have been revealed and confirmed since my last entry. Things about love, sisterhood, friendships, the do's and don'ts of life and most importantly I have learned so much more about ME.
Allow me to sum up some of my lessons..
- I am constantly reminded that when I am alone, I am not lonely because I have a comforter..
- Alone time is required in order to love, see, learn and feed my spirit..
- To let go of situations, thoughts, feelings, control and even people if it no longer works. While continuing to love that person, place or thing..
- Change is uncomfortable, but it has significant purpose so it must be embraced..
- Forgiveness is for ME..
- Moreover, all of the above occurs so that I continue to live in my truth and that is a must for my survival..
- Forgiveness is for ME.. Sorry Family, this is so important that I needed to repeat it ...
Take time to ponder what you are learning about YOU in this season for clarity, guidance, wisdom and understanding as to how you should travel (or not) in your new season. Thank you God for being the ultimate season changer!
fighters are not determined by how many punches they can throw. Great fighters are determined by how many
punches they can take. L. Richie
When life's
punches knock you down, and sometimes they will, do not stay down – get back up.
Even more important, when necessary sometimes you must throw a punch back at
life.God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
Fear not ….
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose…
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to gain, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Whatever season you are in, know a change is on the way…
Quotes to live by from the extraordinary Ms. Maya Angelou….
“What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.”
"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back."
"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within."
Today, a few of my best characteristics are:
My ability to give
My ability to love
My ability to encourage
My ability to remain teachable
My ability to let go in order to grow
What are some of your best characteristics?
Scripture for your spirit….
He who is slow to wrath has great understanding. Proverbs 14:29
The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the fool does not do so. Proverbs 15:7
A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Be encouraged….
"People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel” – M. Angelou
“Following your instincts because you are built to be TALL” – TD Jakes
"Challenge your courage” – M.
“If you study long, you are studying
wrong” – Mr. Elmore J
Let go and let God be your guide and
you will reach your ultimate destination….
Hello Viv-El followers allow me to apologizing for my posting delay. I have been a little under the weather, today is a good day and I am on the mend. Thank you for your faithfulness!
- I am not going to push myself so hard
- I will practice de-cluttering my mind so I do not miss the special moments
- I will revisit my dreams
- I will shut off all electronic devices each evening to connect more with self
- I will continue to be simple and slow down so I can be present
- My inner state is my priority
- It is not that serious
- This too shall pass
During this season Mrs. Vivian would
suggest that I ‘relax and enjoy a great cup of tea’. If needed self-check
and recommit to YOU! Happy Mother's Day...
Hello problem, what are you here to teach me?
- Put down what does not work
- You are not stuck
- Acceptance should never stop you from evolving
- When people show you who they are – believe them
- Stay in your own backyard
- Do your work
'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34
There will be stops in our travels. These stops are purposeful and during these stops sometimes people get dropped off because they can no longer travel with you. Remain steadfast in your storm. Storms are tests that you must pass. If you do not pass the test you will continue to get the same test over and over. When you pass one test, eventually a new test will follow. These tests serve as lessons we must learn. First and foremost acknowledge the test, figure out what you are supposed to learn from the test without allowing the test to consume you. Benefits to passing each test: 1) It will bring you closer and closer to your true purpose 2) It will strengthen you during the process 3) It will increase your faith 4) Finally, it is preparation for what is to come. Even when it hurts it is still a test. Pay attention to your spirit it will not fail you.
Viv-El followers make the time to reach out to someone today to let them know that you love them, to apologize if necessary and/or to tell them know how much they mean to you. Although this act may appear random, it will brighten their day and yours. Do not wait until tomorrow because tomorrow is not promised.
You cannot look forward and backwards at the same time. By all means remembering where you come from is very important because the lessons learned, both good and bad, have gotten you to this point. Your past does not dictate your future, your past serves as a reminder of the roads you should not travel. Simply put, continue learning, looking and moving forward with great expectation.
Thank you cousin Rita for your input, support and unconditional love it cannot be measured. Viv-El followers scroll down, check out Rita’s comments dated April 20th challenge yourself and try one or all of these things when the opportunity presents itself. Feel free to share your comments as well. One hand does feed the other.
True success…. Is being the man or woman you say you are going to be. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Keep your word. Be open to vulnerability. Practice what you preach. Listen to your spirit. Be humble and know when to check yourself. Apologize without having to be asked. Be your brother and sister’s keeper. Be a leader not a follower. Be helpful but do not enable. Do not compromise, stay true to your beliefs. Most importantly, always lead by example.
Are you aware of the importance of forgiveness? Forgiveness is a mandate. The lack of forgiveness helps to block our blessings. Create a prayer list to include people, places, things and be sure to include your enemies (those you are mad at, that offend you or vice versa), and then pray for everyone on the entire list. By doing so, this allows us to release ourselves in order to let it all go. Forgiveness is for you, set yourself free!
Thank you Bishop DC, your teachings this week are phenomenally life changing....
Well hello Spring! Let’s keep it short and simple….
- opposites attract, but similarities endure
- what you allow to stay in your head can hurt you, get rid of negative thoughts
- the greater risk is not take a risk
- do not try, just do
- talk less, pray more
- in all that you do, do not compromise you
Viv-El followers remember the choice is yours, make it a good day....
I had multiple conversations this week to learn that many people find themselves in a posture in which they do not identify, like, or love being in. Sharing that somewhere along the way they lost themselves, their spark, their joy and most importantly they are not genuinely happy. The irony is there are many that are just going through the motions of day to day life.
It is important that we learn how to balance. We must be okay with not being able to complete everything on the ‘to do’ list. We need to pay attention to our bodies because it does talk to us – it tells us when it needs rest, when it needs to see a doctor, when it needs energy and in this instance when it needs fulfillment. As for the heart, it will let you know when it is unhappy. If you find yourself in this space, do not blame another, stop and reevaluate yourself first. Did you let yourself go? Are you comfortable being mundane? Are you bored or are you boring?
It’s time to jumpstart your life and simply WAKE UP! Here are some helpful ways to begin – forgive yourself and others, know what you dislike, revisit the things you do like, add more fun to your agenda, update your style, get a journal and start writing, revisit those dreams and desires, explore new ventures, live within your means, pray without ceasing. To sum it up, do what it takes to fall in love with YOU!
As you get back to the true core of your being, you will naturally begin to make better decisions, choices and live happier. It is not up to another person to make you happy, happiness and change begins with and in you. The amazing thing about happiness is it is contagious and that is how it is ultimately shared with others. Remember, you are not good for anyone if you are not good for yourself.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller
Do not just do things to be blessed. Go the extra mile and be a blessing to others, keeping in mind that you reap what you sow. If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. If you plant good seed, you will get a harvest in due season. Do not wait for tomorrow to do what can be done today. Actions will always speak louder than words. Choose today to do what is right, listen to your spirit and follow your heart. ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ Matt 6:21
Do not be mistaken, when you see or meet people regardless of the outfit they are wearing, despite the large smile they display and no matter how poise they appear; be mindful that they have a life story that you are unaware of. They do not know your travels and you do not know theirs but rest assure there is an underlying story that can be told. Attempt to become and remain a respecter of ALL people.
As time changes, management of time needs to change as well. Consider the following when managing your time...
- time requires no introduction it is always present
- time needs to be balanced
- time always gives you the opportunity to enjoy it
- time goes on
- time does not wait for anyone
- time cannot be controlled
- time is your friend not your enemy providing you value it
- time can produce change if you allow it
- time heals all wounds
- there is a time and a place for everything
- there is no time like the present
Take advantage of each moment while you still have time...
It has taken me some time to build my courage to become a blogger. Time and experience has taught me that I control my level of courage and the confidence it takes to increase my courage. According to Webster’s Dictionary – ‘courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair.’ Join me in saying goodbye to fear and see just how quickly grace and mercy takes its place.
One of the most profound things I have learned over the years was to stop giving my power away. What areas in your life do you battle with fear? Be prayer specific about these areas and unselfishly take your power back. When praying ask for direction, understanding and wisdom for every area of fear in your life. Then become patient and still and eventually that is exactly what you will get – direction, understanding and wisdom.
Viv-El followers the outpour of love and support during this promotional stage of my page has been grand! I cannot thank each and every individual but be assured I am humbly thankful, gratefully and extremely full in my spirit. My cup runs over…TYL
A special thank you to DP of for the page creation, creativity and loving touch. The best is yet to come for you. Hold on!
Embrace this day with expectation. Expect the day to go well. Expect to give the day 100%. Also expect the possibility of the unexpected. If for some reason negativity raises its head, expect to learn from it. Do not give it permissions to take over your mood or alter your attitude and do not give it too much of your valuable time. Grab hold of yourself, dissect the negative situation to identify and connect with the positive that is attached to it. Remove from it what belongs to you by taking accountability and put the rest in the garbage with the daily trash. Negative occurrences can offend and hurt; sometimes they occur to force you to move in another direction, they can also occur to notify you that you need to be still. Hence, this is why it is wise that each occurrence be dissected. Embrace this day with expectation!
Many thanks for all of the awesome comments! Your support is appreciated. TK, you asked for clarity on how to 'start loving your complete self as you are.' I believe this begins with the acceptance of self from the inside out. Learning to love, appreciate and be grateful for every imperfection, flaw, size, shape etc. Many people love this or that about themselves and not the entire package. Of course if one feels they need to do certain things to make themselves feel better, well that should be executed also. Be it working out, better eating habits, better relationships for spirit building etc. But as a whole completely loving yourself from the inside out will make a better, happier and fulfilled you!
Viv-El followers please know the entries that I share derive from my life lessons, experiences and all that I am learning in and from this journey called life.
Hello Friends and Family. I am taking this leap of faith becoming a blogger because I want to make a difference. I purposely meet people every day and in my travels I encounter a large percentage of people that need uplifting and as a result they are just going through the motions of life due to one reason or the other. Time waits for no one therefore it is time to be (or get) present.
Since it still takes a village to raise children, it will take that same village to support each other to continue to grow in love and life. How do we do that? We can begin by checking ourselves, our motives and our day to day intentions. Ask yourself, are you a part of the solution or a part of the problem?
If my page allows me to reach the heart of one person a day, week or month, then it will serve its purpose.
Here are a few things that you can begin practicing to become a better you...
- Trust your own instincts
- Start loving your complete self just as you are
- Most importantly, remember that change begins with you
Thank you for visiting my page. Come back soon, until then stay encouraged.
ReplyDeleteI thank God for you, you are truly a blessing keep letting God lead guide and direct you. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching out to people.
1 Corinthians 10:33
ReplyDelete[33]Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
I have always said "words are like weapons -- they cut like knives". Always speak kindly